How To Treat Eye Minus With Carrot

Carrot plants that usually make the food rabbit turned out to have excellent benefits to our eyes. It turns out the carrots when consumption per day can treat eye minus and enlightening the eyes because the content of vitamin A is an important lifeline.

But the best of his nutritional content i.e. the carrot is high and its benefits for the health of the body. Carrots really are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. The characteristics and the color orange is obviously on the carrot comes from beta-carotene, which will turn into vitamin A in the body. Carrots have A vitami content and very high in vitamin C, as well as the content of sodiumnya. In addition to vitamins A andC, carrot also contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.

How To Treat Eye Minus With Carrot

How To Treat Eye Minus With Carrot

Plants included in the order of this Umbelliferales many exciting tours. When seen form won't be matter there are three types, i.e. type chantenay (elliptic with a blunt tip), the type of imperator (elliptic with a tapered tip) and nantes (chantenay and imperator types combined). Juice combination of carrot chantenay, nantes and is believed to have the best efficacy, in addition also gives you a nice flavour.

Carrot leaves are also useful to treat kidney stones and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. While the rhizome or root can treat pinworms, maintaining eye health, digestion, and as a remedy for burns out. Carrot seeds are able to treat kidney stones, dysentery and diarrhoea.

Old orange color on carrot indicates high beta carotene content. The more orange color of carrots, the higher the levels of beta-karoten. Levels of beta-carotene contained in carrots more than Kale, spinach and caisim.

Beta carotene is able to prevent and overcome cancer, high blood cholesterol levels, lower wind and issued from the body. Its high content of antioxidants carotene also proved to be able to combat the effects of pollution and passive smokers.

Beta carotene which causes orange color on the carrots can also cause a yellowish color on human skin that most drinking juice or carrot juice. Even so its yellow color different from suffering from jaundice and so do his eye color not yellow. There is even a well which utilizes the juice of carrot as skin whitener.
High potasiumnya content can neutralize the acidity of the blood that avail high on the addicts smoking, alcohol and drugs users is dangerous. Potassium contained in carrots is also potentially to help tame the toxins, especially heavy metals caused air pollution. For that carrot juice can be combined with peas, potatoes, cauliflower and tomatoes.
Carrots contain digestive enzymes and a diuretic. Drinking a glass of fresh carrot leaf juice plus salt and a spoonful of tea lemon juice helps to anticipate the formation of deposits in the urinary tract, strengthening the eyes, lungs, heart and liver. While munching a carrot leaves can heal the wounds in the mouth and eliminate the smell of breath, bleeding gums and mouth ulcers.

According to Noviana Yaniar (1993) in the utilization of medicinal plants For family health, health service units of the Materia Medica, Malang, carrots can overcome problems like hypertension, nyctalopia, eye minus, fevers in children, intestinal worms, Burns, cough, painful menstruation, constipation and smooth face.

Some research suggests, people who eat the carrots on a regular basis, have the possibility of developing cancer of the lung is smaller, even though he is a smoker. An experiment in Scotland circa 1979 showed a healthy person who eats 7 ounces raw carrots every day, their blood cholesterol levels down to 11 percent.
Consuming carrots for three weeks also lowers the risk of heart attack about 22 percent. Eat carrots at least five times a week can lower the risk of developing a stroke of 68 percent.

For those who have been stricken with a stroke, vitamin A can prevent death or disability pascastroke. As is known, in every 100 grams of carrot known to contain 12,000 s. i. vitamin A.
For patients with the disease Lupus or System Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is also recommended to consume carrots because of vitamin A, mineral salts and natural carbs are high. A sinse also advocated the consumption of two ounces of carrot mixed half ounces turnips are excellent for the treatment of disorders of the eye. The combination of carrot and radish that is also very beneficial for sufferers of coronary heart and kidney pain.
While the combination of carrot, tomato, pineapple, will correct the metabolic system of the body, lower blood cholesterol and uric acid. To increase fertility for women and improve the quality of men's sperm, used the juice mixture of one Apple, three ounces of carrot and half a kilogram of bean sprouts that drinking all together. This herb drink every morning-afternoon, the results can be seen within one week.

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